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The post T Testing 1 Testing 12333 appeared first on SUCCESS.
Each one of us dreams to reach to our set professional goals. And to achieve this dream we need to have constant dedication and determination to make the situation suitable for us. Once we decide to move in the direction of our ultimate aim, we start putting an extra effort in realizing our goals. “Come …
Quotes by Arbab Usmani Founder of UppSkill for Digital Talent in You Read More »
“Create a safe space within yourself that no one will ever find, somewhere the madness of this world can never touch.” ~Christy Ann Martine Losing my grandmother was like losing the one person who had always been my anchor. She was my steady rock, my quiet cheerleader, and the only person who truly made me …
How I’ve Become My Own Source of Love and Reassurance Read More »
The U.S. surgeon general has called for tougher reforms on alcohol in a new 22-page advisory, highlighting the link between alcohol consumption and cancer. The report includes multiple health recommendations heading into the new year, including a proposal for new health warning labels on alcohol products, similar to the advisory warnings seen on tobacco products. …
U.S. Surgeon General Wants Cancer Warning Added to Alcohol Labels Read More »
Emotional intelligence (also known as emotional quotient or EQ) is the idea that being able to understand and manage your own emotions helps guide your thinking and actions and makes you better able to work with and even lead others. The concept was popularized in the 1995 book Emotional Intelligence by psychologist-turned-author Daniel Goleman. In …
How To Detect Emotional Intelligence in Potential New Hires Read More »
On a recent episode of her podcast, sportscaster Erin Andrews responded to a listener’s question about the best way to share constructive criticism. “Communication for me in general is horrible,” she said, “and that really sucks because I majored in telecommunications.” This is the kind of remark that’s common on Calm Down—as it is in …
Today’s marketing landscape is undergoing a seismic transformation. Technology is advancing at lightning-fast speeds, and consumer behaviors are constantly shifting to accommodate those advancements. One part of that behavior is an increasing lack of trust in advertising and a desire for authenticity. Despite these fundamental changes, Vladimer Botsvadze says that 99% of marketers aren’t adapting …
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Even if you’ve never taken a DISC assessment yourself, you probably know at least a handful of people who have. Used by more than 1 million people every year, DISC is highly effective at helping organizations improve teamwork, communication and productivity in the workplace. Organizations around the world, whether governmental agencies, Fortune 500 companies or …
Humans are profoundly emotional beings—one study found that we experience at least one emotion 90% of the time. But while we’re constantly feeling—everything from joy to gratitude to anger to fear—we don’t always have the tools to recognize, name and regulate those feelings. And that can make it tempting to just squish down or avoid …
How to Recognize, Regulate and Manage Your Emotions Read More »