New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Always Stick—Here’s What Tony Robbins Suggests Instead


January is a season alive with the energy of new beginnings, a fresh start and people making New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, around 80% of individuals abandon their resolutions by the second week of February each year. This means fewer than one in five people manage to adhere to their New Year’s goals.

In 2024, you don’t  have to fall off the resolution wagon. This year let’s ditch the idea of making a traditional New Year’s resolution and instead, think of broader and more long-lasting goals. In 2024, I encourage you to kick off the year by designing the life you really want instead of hoping everything comes together.

The Wheel of Life assessment: keeping New Year’s resolutions

So, how do you go about this? A good starting point is to do your own Wheel of Life assessment. This tool helps you take a step back and look at where you are in a more interesting and comprehensive way. It lets you ask yourself important questions in an organized manner and helps you spot the gaps between where you are now and where you want to be. 


Essentially, the Wheel of Life helps you clarify your priorities and identify the areas where you can set goals. This way, you can create a plan that aligns with your core personal values.

What matters most to you in your life overall? Family, friends, health, career, economic freedom, spirituality, legacy? How do these priorities rank and to what extent? A personalized Wheel of Life lays all this out for you.

The seven focus areas for goal setting

With this simple yet vital information in hand, you can more honestly and accurately identify  the gaps on which you should  focus your energy in 2024. These seven areas include:

Health and vitality

Mind and meaning

Love and relationships

Time and life management: productivity and performance

Career and business

Wealth and lifestyle

Leadership and impact

If you complete the Wheel of Life assessment like I show you here, you’ll discover there are areas in which you’re doing really well and areas on which you haven’t focused.  If you outline what you’ve done, you will see the shape of the wheel of your life. 

Imagine if your life’s wheel was a tire on your car. How smoothly would your car run at different speeds if some areas are big and full and other areas are nearly flat? What if you decide to go full speed and the bumps get rougher? How prepared are you to handle them?  

The Wheel of Life shows that, no matter how accomplished or happy you are, there are areas in your life that could use some improvement—and they might require different levels of improvement. Like a wheel, if one spoke is shorter than the others, it can throw things off balance.

You might find that aligning your spokes for the ride you want only requires small adjustments. Or it might mean making significant changes to what you did last year in one or more areas of your life in 2024. 

Aligning your personal and professional life

Only when you have a clear understanding of where you are and where you want to go can you design a personal and professional life plan that aligns and balances with your passions, values and life priorities.

If you’re ready to take action, I am here to help you design a plan for this year that meets your highest needs and desires. Most people settle for making a living and forget to design their life. To help people with this, I decided to create a free, once-a-year program. For three days, only 2.5 hours a day online, I  give people tools so they can participate in a program that will set them up for success, no matter how challenging times may be. 

The results of this program have been phenomenal. Last year, we had more than 1.5 million people attend from 195 countries. In that process, we’ve built a global community of people supporting one another. This is very different from making resolutions all by yourself.  

Time to Rise Summit

So, if you’d like to go through the process we’ve refined for this year, please join us at no charge to you from Jan. 25-27, 2024, for roughly 2.5 hours a day. We will help you put together a plan and uncover what’s most important for you at this stage of your life. I’ll be teaching a process you can use every year going forward to turn your desired intentions into concrete actions and results in your life. 

The real secret is not just to dream, but to also have simple, sustainable, repeatable and habit-forming change that produces the results you’re after. Don’t be like the 80% who lose momentum by February or never even make a resolution at all. Isn’t it time for you to take your life to the next level, to take back control? Isn’t it time to rise? That’s what our program is called this year. So please join us at no charge. You can register here to attend the Time To Rise Summit for free. I look forward to serving you. 

Until then, Happy New Year! Let’s not settle for anything less than the results you’re committed to achieving!

Photo courtesy of Tony Robbins.

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