Area Codes in Mexico Explained


If you travel to Mexico for leisure and business, you probably will make some phone calls to this country. You surely know that +52 is the code to dial Mexico from abroad. But within the country, there are different area codes depending on the geographic zone.

Mexico is a large country, a federation comprising 31 states including Mexico City. The Mexico area code

plan is not made according to this political division. Instead, 2 or 3 digits are used to identify a specific town or city in one of the 31 states. The list below indicates how these codes are distributed in the country:

The digits 0 to 99 are assigned to the metropolitan areas of Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey. These are the largest cities in the country. For instance, several districts in Mexico City and suburbs are assigned area codes 55 and 56. Likewise, some districts and suburbs of Guadalajara have code 33. For Monterrey and its suburbs, 81 is the most common code;
The digits 200 to 299 are assigned to some areas in four states of southeast Mexico;
The digits 300 to 399 are assigned to some areas in five states of central and north Mexico;
The digits 400 to 499 are assigned to a large number of places in several states in central and northern Mexico;
The digits 500 to 599 are assigned to the states of México and Hidalgo;
The digits 600 to 699 are assigned to five states in northern Mexico, including both Baja California Sur and Baja California Norte;
 The digits 700 to 799 are assigned to nine states in central and southern Mexico including Puebla, Oaxaca, and Veracruz;
The digits 800 to 899 are assigned to several states in northern Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico zone. However, there are some exceptions here. The digits 800 correspond to toll-free numbers. The digits 801 and 900 are used for premium-rate calls;
The digits 900 to 999 are assigned to some states in southern Mexico and the Yucatán Peninsula.

Thus, in Mexico, all phone numbers have 10 digits.

How to Dial a Phone Number within Mexico

Within Mexico, you just have to dial the 10 digit number to establish a connection. No prefix is needed. The 10-digit number already includes the corresponding area code. On the other, to dial a foreign number from Mexico, you should dial 00 first. This is the prefix to enable dialing an international number without an operator.

There are other important prefixes like 02 (domestic) and 09 (international) for calls via an operator.

How to Dial Into Mexico from Abroad

It is very easy to dial into Mexico. The format is +52 followed by the local 10-digit number. This number, as mentioned before, already includes the corresponding code of the city or town. For example, do dial a number in Oaxaca City from abroad, the format is +52 951 xxx xx xx.

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